Gary McDaniel

Gary McDaniel, MSW, LICSW, is a Clinical Social Worker who works for Morgan County Schools. Partnering with administration, faculty, parents, community partners, and most importantly students, Gary helps create an environment where all are equal and all can learn. He also teaches graduate social work courses as for West Virginia University’s Division of Social Work. He was awarded the NASW West Virginia Social Worker of the Year award for 2010, as well as Pinwheels of Prevention for work with families in Morgan County by the state prevention partnership in 2010. Gary also was a Morgan County Partnership Partner of the Month in 2011. He was inducted into the USA Martial Artists Association Hall of Fame in 2011 for his work with violence prevention. He works with a variety of student driven initiatives and peer driven interventions including bullying and suicide prevention, performing arts, student/adult co-presentations and trainings for classrooms, schools, conferences and symposiums – and of course: sardine clubs.